

Patients Need Guidance on Cannabis: A Letter to the Editor from Dr. Rahul Khare

  Today, Dr. Khare’s letter to the editor was published in the Chicago Tribune. Here is a brief excerpt: I appreciated being mentioned in a recent Chicago Tribune article (“More doctors are using marijuana as medicine,” Dec. 1). I hear too many concerning stories from patients about other doctors who refuse to help them with medical cannabis.   Pain doctors prescribe powerful and dangerous opioids for years, yet many still drug-test patients and deny medical treatment if cannabis is detected. […]

5 Reasons You May want to Consider Medical Cannabis This New Year

  Medical cannabis has helped thousands of Illinois residents control debilitating health symptoms since dispensaries first opened in our state four years ago. With more than 50 qualifying conditions now recognized by the Illinois Department of Public Health, this number is continuing to climb. Could cannabis be the key to improving your health in the New Year? Here are five reasons you may want to consider cannabis for your health in 2020… You have uncontrolled anxiety Patients with general anxiety […]

Innovative Wellness Featured in the Chicago Tribune

Innovative Wellness was recently featured in the Chicago Tribune for our focus on incorporating cannabis alongside traditional care. The article examined whether or not more medical practices will embrace cannabis once marijuana is legal in Illinois in 2020, and features Dr. Rahul Khare as the physician leading this trend in Chicago. Innovative Wellness was arguably the first medical practice in Chicago to fully embrace cannabis as medicine. We not only certify patients for medical cannabis, we educate them, counsel them and discuss cannabis in regular medical appointments as part […]

Cannabis Medical Protocols – The Innovative Wellness Difference

Cannabis is medicine, so shouldn’t doctors guide patients on how to use it for symptom relief? We think so. This is one of the many things that make Innovative Wellness unique. We are one of the only physician offices in Chicago offering cannabis consulting and cannabis focused primary care. Our team has collected patient data over the last three years to develop medical protocols for eleven common medical conditions. Our goal – to help patients feel better faster. Whether you […]